It is that time of year when all Dunwoody teachers, staff, students, and parents have the opportunity to VOTE for their favorite, outstanding DHS teacher for the annual Dunwoody High School TEACHER OF THE YEAR (TOTY). To select a nominee, please click on the link below or scan the QR Code and complete the form. All responses are carefully read by the Teacher of the Year Committee, so please take the time to provide SPECIFIC details supporting your nominee. Only one nomination per person, please.
District policy eligibility requires that nominees meet the following nominating criteria:1. The nominee is an exceptional, dedicated, knowledgeable and skilled employee planning to continue in active employment status with the DeKalb County School District.2. Three consecutive years as a full-time employee at current work location in current position (Including this year). Example: 2021-2022 (full year), 2022-2023 (full year), and 2023-2024 (plans to complete this year).
Deadline for submission is Tuesday, May 7, 2024 at midnight.